We offer various opportunities to get plugged in at Restoration Church. If you have an idea, let us know!
Wednesday Night Studies: Join us at 6pm for our Wednesday night Bible study. We are studying evangelism and tools on how to be better witnesses of Christ. Contact Jim Anderson for more details.
Wednesday Night Studies: Join us at 6pm for our Wednesday night Bible study. We are studying evangelism and tools on how to be better witnesses of Christ. Contact Jim Anderson for more details.
Foundations Bible Study: 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6-7:30pm. We'll look at all the big ides of the Bible and foundational truths that are contained in our faith. Open to everyone. There is no childcare, but children can be downstairs if you'd like them to be with you. This is based off of Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology book, but is broken down in easy to understand segments and provides great discussion for us to have.
Men’s Bible Study: first and third Tuesdays at the ROC* at 6pm. If you have any questions call Cary 651-275-1313. *Next to the Post Office.
Women’s Bible Study: second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meeting 6pm at the ROC*. Please see Penney Johnson for more info. *Next to the Post Office.